Friday, 17 October 2014

Mimmo Rotella & Wolf Vostell - Artist research

While searching for more artist reference that related to my city in flux work I came across two artists who specialised in collage, Mimmo Rotella and Wolf Vostell.

Mimmo Rotella was an Italian collage artist and was best known for his decollage work which were made from advertising posters, I like the work that he creates from using this technique, especially the block colours and worn finished look from the finished outcome. I also love the typography in the work, the different styles and ripped text really stands out to me and i think it adds to the overall look of the work and it's what I love most about Rotellas work. 

Wolf Vostell was a German artist who specialised in painting and sculpting, he's known as one of the first artists to start experimenting with art including videos and installation pieces, he's also known for his creative decollage work. What I like about Vostells work is that you can see how many layers they are and how rough he goes about creating his decollage pieces, the bold colours, pieces of text and how new images are created from combining other pieces of work.  

Collage and Decollage is something that I take a big interest in and will probably use these techniques and processes in my work later on in the project so I thought they would be good to include. I also think they link to my city in flux project theme well.